November 2022 Update Part 2


In the last update I spoke about a middle aged man who was about to get lucky beyond belief. Welcome to Opportunity knockers! Dreams will come true for Eddy in this over the top, extravagant, overblown tale of  an ordinary man who gets lucky with not just 1 babe, but 5 in one afternoon. Coming early next year!

On a serious note, my MacBook Pro needed a battery change and when I received the call from the repair shop, I thought it was just to let me know that it was ready, but instead it was to let me know that the screen wasn't turning on. Oh no. I was not expecting that. Well, it is their responsibility and they are insured, meaning it's their problem to fix, but it can take up to 2 to 3 weeks to fix. So what do I do until then? They let me burrow an iMac which was once considered a fast machine for 2013. It was nearly impossible to create a scene on this computer. Imagine a 3 second delay each time I made a change to the character's pose. Forget it! So... I had no choice but to pick up another computer. My dad recommended I check out this used computer shop. He also knows the owner. Well I went there and I ended up with one that is identical to the one that's in the repair shop only with a slightly faster CPU. Thank goodness I backed up all my files. Whew! It took nearly 2 hours to restore and I am happy to say that I'm back in full swing! Plus when my other computer gets repaired (hopefully) I will have 2 computers and this means while one is rendering I can create scenes on the other one. So maybe it was a blessing in disguise. 

I'm presently working on Secret Obsession 3. I'm going to try to create all the scenes you want to see, but I still need to follow the story. Amanda will not be there. It will not be with the original goblins from the first 2 parts. They were getting to be a little dated. Anyway these new goblins are nastier! There will not be 7 of them, but there will be 2, as you saw from the promo, and maybe even 3. It will be great! Trust me!

Speak soon. You're pal,
