June 2022 update!


"In return for your obedience,

I will give you pleasures beyond this earth."

Good day to all you delicious Casgra fans! I know I'm a little late in my monthly updates, but I've been busy sinking my teeth, pardon the pun, into my new "Elor Dophner" comic. I'm trying to get the pace of the story to a slow and steady progression. I want to try to put in a lot of interesting situations and I definitely want to tease you guys. Fear not! You'll all get want you want at the end of the story, but let's not rush a good thing. Right?

Once I'm done with this comic, I will be be taking a short vacation. After vacation I will be open again for a few commissions.  I've already reserved 2 spots, but I can take another 2 more, maybe 3 max!

Sales for Strange Encounters 3 has been going really well and I have you all to thank of course! Cheers! Was this the last one? Nooooo I will create lots more strange encounters with Bridget. But maybe next time I'll use a bigger place than that fun house. Did you know that the interior of that prop was very limited in space. So often I wanted to zoom out a little, but the walls wouldn't allow it. Some of the walls could be removed by the opacity, but not all of them. Some would remove other parts of the building with it and that wasn't good. But I really liked the idea of a fun house and I just had to use it, at least once. I mean let me get my money's worth, because I did pay for that prop. 

Well that is all for this month's update. I wish you all good health and may you find only kind people, and only kind people find you. Let's always be respectful to one another! Take care!

